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10 ways to increase performance for those suffering from ADHD

The ability to put to put it mildly, not the strongest feature of people with ADHD. And they are not at all to blame for this: the whole thing is in the biochemistry of the brain. But does this mean that they cannot help themselves be more attentive and better focus on working tasks? By no means! About how to learn to work better and more efficiently, says psychologist Natalya Van Ricksurt.

The human brain with ADHD is constantly lacking stimulation due to a reduced level of neurotransmitters (primarily dopamine and norepinephrine), which are responsible for the beginning of activity and concentration of attention. “In the absence of external stimulation or interest, the symptoms of ADHD can sharply intensify. That is why it is much easier for such a person to concentrate on interesting tasks, ”explains the specialist in the ADHD, psychologist Natalya Van Ricksurt.

Unfortunately, very often we have to do what is not of much interest for us. Here are 10 ways to increase performance in such situations.

1.A snack

Malnutrition or improper nutrition worsen our ability to concentrate. Many suffering ADHGs are used to rely on caffeine, sugar and carbohydrates to quickly get a surge of energy. Unfortunately, it does not last long and often followed by a breakdown.

Like any other organ, the brain requires proper nutrition for normal functioning. Do not skip food meals and often consume foods rich in protein and sugar -useful sugar (for example, fruits and dairy products). “Many of my clients suffering from ADHD prefer peanut oil and mixtures from dried fruits and nuts,” Van Ricksurt shares.

2.Take a break

The human brain with ADHG consumes energy with increased pace, especially when performing routine or monotonous tasks. Therefore, it is important to regularly take breaks in order to “recharge”. Watch your favorite series, read the book or take care of something else that fascinates you, but does not require excessive mental effort: solve simple puzzles, tie it and so on.

3.Turn everything into a game

Many people with ADHD love to solve difficult problems, therefore, if it is difficult for you to focus on some monotonous lesson, try to make it more difficult and more interesting. “Many of my customers, performing routine tasks like cleaning, set a timer and arrange a

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kind of competition with themselves: how much they will have time to do in a limited time,” comments Natalya Van Ricksurt.

4.Make variety

The worst enemies for a person with ADHG – boredom and monotony. “Sometimes in order to regain interest, it is enough to make only minimal changes,” Van Ricksurt emphasizes. If possible, reorganize your workspace, try to perform familiar actions in a different order or in another place.

5.Put the timer

If you feel a breakdown and cannot force yourself to get up to work or important things, set a short period of time (10-15 minutes), set the timer and try to work without breaks all this time. Often it is enough just to join the workflow, and it will continue to continue it is much easier.